Accommodation / Food

Accommodation / Food

The house

Campers and staff will be staying together in the coolest house ever! Just 25 minutes from Malaga, tucked into the beautiful mountains, this sprawling residence features numerous recreation zones and its own pool!

Supervision is provided around the clock.

We have our own #bladingchef

Lets face it, inline skating is hard work and takes a lot of energy!  All camp days are packed full of action and activities from sunrise to sunset so we will make sure that everyone’s properly fueled up and gets a bit of sleep!

We provide breakfast, lunch and dinner each day – all food comes locally from BIO/Ecological sources. And yes, we have a #bladingchef who will prepare everything. Our bread comes daily from #bladingchef’s local family bakery and is jammed packed with rich nutrients, as well as a lot of love, just as momma does it – we’ll also provide extra drinks and snacks such as fruits and veggies during all the days to keep you hydrated and fully powered to shred hard! (All included in camp price! )

Sleep in our mountain paradise under the stars!

A good night’s rest and a nice hot shower helps to relax a tired body and to further prepare for the following day of hard skating! Our accommodation house comes with a nice warm bed for all and with the option for those who desire, we have tents and sleeping bags for those wishing to experience the camp life! It’s up to you how you want to experience the camp!

Healthy Lifestyle!

The camps are 100% smoke-free and alcohol-free environments. There is absolutely zero tolerance for this as our main focus of the camp is to provide a healthy environment for kids to grow and feel safe in!

Safety first!

Our coaches are 100% certified and every camper who joins the camp will be insured, and of course is not allowed to skate without a helmet

Upon signing up we will send you a questionnaire asking specific questions as to specify allergies and food preferences, vegetarian, vegan, that you may have. We are ready and prepared to accommodate for all lifestyles! Are you ready ?


Have you registered yet? #lucky20

Wish you were here!
